Patient Participation/PPG

Patient Participation Group Aims

The aim of the PPG is to establish and embed an effective relationship between the organisation team and the patient population, communicating patient experience, concerns, suggestions, comments and compliments in an objective manner.

The PPG will work collaboratively with the organisation, on behalf of the patient population, ensuring the services of the organisation meet the needs and wishes of the patient group.

The organisation agrees to work collaboratively with the PPG on behalf of the patient population ensuring the members listen to feedback, concerns, suggestions, comments and compliments in an objective manner, taking the necessary action to improve services where applicable.

PPG members will act as the information conduit between the organisation and the organisation population and the wider community, ensuring that all parties are aware of any issues or initiatives which affect or are likely to affect patients.

If you are interested in joining the Patient Participation Group (PPG) please email

Patient Participation Group Terms of Reference